Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Working Towards a Sound Immune System

Working Toward a Sound Immune System The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection. Having a healthy and strong immune system is essential to having good health.

Your immune system is the main unit that fights germs and other bacteria that are harmful to your health. It also fights viruses. So if you want to keep it strong there are several things that you can do to make this possible. One of the first things that you must do to keep your immune system in top shape and at its peak performance is to have a healthy nutritious diet. I try to have a proper diet as much as I can. I cannot stress this enough. Healthy eating is critical to a well-functioning immune system. You want to give your cells and organs the right food so that they can stay healthy and function properly. A diet rich in whole grains, fish, fruits, Vegetables and legumes is the proper way to eat. Legumes are especially great for your health because the fibres in these foods will help to move food through the body and eliminate constipation. The average American diet is filled with foods that are of very low nutritional value. The average American eats too much salt, fat and sugar. In addition to these horrible dietary habits, the average American is said to only have two to four bowel movements in an entire week. Think about that for just a moment. It is no wonder why so many people have all of these health problems.

You have to have at least one bowel movement a day depending upon the amount of food that you consume. If you consume plenty of food every day then you should have two bowel movements a day. Think about all that waste that gets stuck in your body because you are not cleaning yourself out. You are having these toxins inside of your body and it’s no wonder you are feeling low on energy. That one thing of cleaning out your intestines will help you to have more energy I guarantee that.

free web site traffic and promotion Drink more water and eat a more nutritious diet instead of that fast food junk that you were most probably raised on. The change in diet has to come from you. You have to be the person that is willing to make that change in your eating habits. Stop drinking those soft drinks especially those diet sodas which have natural sweeteners in them. Soft drinks can make you gain weight and they can dehydrate you because of the sugar content in them. The more that you make excuses about not changing your diet, the more these excuses will become a part of you. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and to have a strong immune system, a healthy and nutritious diet is one of the key steps that you have to take. Stop making excuses for not changing your diet and get started today. Your mind and body will be much healthier and they will thank you for doing this. The next step to take in order to have a strong and healthy immune system is to exercise regularly. I will keep on saying this because this step is especially important.

Our bodies were not made so that we could sit around all day and do nothing. Our bodies were designed so that we could move around and be active. I'm not saying that you have to run five or six miles a day for seven days per week in order to exercise regularly and be active. I have an exercise machine at my house and use it more often on the days that I do not go to the public gymnasium. If you only have three days per week of time to dedicate to your exercise routine because of work commitments then I can definitely understand that. But with the way the average American seems to be neglecting their body or at least not paying attention to it that is what amazes me. You have only one human body and if you don’t take the proper care of that body, no one can help you out and your body will break down and you won’t be as healthy physically or mentally. These lifestyle actions will make you end up in the doctor’s office or in the hospital. Who wants to go through all that expense, pain and agony? You may not be able to prevent every illness by exercising but at least your mind and body will be healthier and you will be much less stressed. Increased stress levels are a major cause of disease and illness. You will also be less likely to get sick. Stop sitting around all day watching that television which is full of negative news stories and instead, make some time to get out of the house and exercise. Take a walk around your neighbourhood if you can do it. Some exercise is better than doing no exercise at all. Moderate physical activity has also been proven to fight mild cases of depression and it will make you feel better for sure. And lastly, this step is really important to building resistance to disease and infection. And this last step is to think positive on a consistent basis. I know that this is sometimes hard to do but you have to at least try to be positive. Scientists and researchers have done numerous studies on this and they have discovered that the person with a positive attitude can heal themselves quicker even when they do get an illness. In addition to this, a person that has a generally positive outlook on life will suffer fewer illnesses and they will live longer. Lance Armstrong a seven-time winner of the Tour De France battled testicular cancer and overcame all the odds that were stacked against him because he chose to not give up and he chose to focus on getting better. He recovered from his cancer in spite of the fact that doctors told him that he had about a 50% chance of survival. Lance didn’t listen to the doctors and he became determined to fight the disease and he didn’t allow the cancer to destroy him. He overcame the cancer and he is till alive today because of his determination and positive attitude. You can also have that kind of positive attitude if you try. It is not always easy to have a positive outlook on life but the alternative to that will not be better for you. Even if it seems difficult at first to have a positive attitude, just keep on trying until you do become more positive. You have to work at this in order to get better at it. There are obviously other things that could be included on this list of how to make your immune system strong but these are three basic strategies that you can use to have a healthy immune system. Your immune system is the thing that has the power and ability to fight and protect you against viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders so make sure to keep your immune system in great and healthy condition.